US Forces Sink ‘Houthi’ Boats Res Sea After Attack on Maersk Vessel – Hijack USA Today News

US Hijack USA Today News

US Forces Sink ‘Houthi’ Boats Res Sea After Attack on Maersk Vessel

The United States Military says it has sunk three boats waging an attack on a container ship in the Red Sea as it continues its patrol mission to counter threats from Yemen’s Houthi rebels.

Helicopters from tow US Warships – the USS Eisenhower from two US warship – the USS Eisenhower and USS Gravely – shot at the ”Iranian-backed Houthi small boats” in self- defence on Sunday morning while responding to an SOS call from the Singapore – flagged vessel Maersk Hangzhou, the US Central Command (CENTCOM) said. The US helicopters sunk three of the boats, killing several of their crew, it said. A fourth boat escaped.

Maersk Hangzhou issued its Distress call after it was fired at by the Houthi boats, which came as close as 20m (65 feet) and also tried to board it, CENTCOM side in a statement on X, Formerly known as Twitter.

As the US helicopters responded, they were also shot at by the houthi boats, prompting them to return fire, added the CENTCON statement.

US US Forces Sink 'Houthi' Boats Res Sea After Attack on Maersk Vessel

It was the second alleged Houthi attack on the Maersk Hangzhou in less than 24 hours. Late Saturday Night, CENTCOM side it shot down ballistic missiles fired by the Houthis as it responded to a separate missile strike on Maersk Hangzhou.

In the wake of the attacks, global shipping giant Maersk, Which owns the vessel, said it was suspending its operations in the Red Sea for 48 hours, highlighting the continued threat to commercial vessels in the region.

The Houthi group has yet to comment on the incidents.

US Forces Sink ‘Houthi’ Boats Res Sea After Attack on Maersk Vessel Details

Red Sea Attacks

Amid Israel’s war on Gaza, Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis have repeatedly targeted vessels they believe are linked to Israel travelling in the Red Sea, pushing major global shipping companies, such as Maersk, to abandon the waterway. The Houthis have their strikes until Israel’s attacks on Gaza Stop.

The US on December 19 announced a global naval task force to safeguard shipping in the contentious waters, through which some 12 percent of global trade passes.

However, out of the 20 countries the US says have agreed to supports the coalition, only the United Kingdom has directly contributed warships, leaving Washington to effectively ”act alone” Serdar the Houthis, reports AI Jazeera’s Rasul Serdar from Djibouti on the edge of the Red Sea.

US Forces Sink ‘Houthi’ Boats Res Sea After Attack on Maersk Vessel – USA Today News

The unrest in the Red Sea comes as anger grows throughout the Middle East over the devastation in Gaza, where at least 21,822 Palestinians, including 8,800 children, have been killed by Israel military at- tacks in under three months.

The war began when Hamas carried out a shock cross-border attack on Israeli territory on October 7 that killed attack on Israeli territory on October 7 thar killed about 1,140 people, mostly civilians, according to Israel.

The US, which has provided staunch military and diplomatic backing to Israel throughout the conflict, has seen its assets targeted as well, facing more than 100 attacks from Iran-backed groups in Syria and Iraq since the outbreak of the war.

US Forces Sink ‘Houthi’ Boats Res Sea After Attack on Maersk Vessel
Are Communications Cables Safe?

Amid concerns that Yemen’s Houthis could next target crucial submarine communications cables running under the Bab al-Mandab Strait that power internet networks, Yemen’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it is committed to protecting these networks.

”Yemen’s decision to prevent the passage of Israeli enemy ships does not concern ships belonging to intranational companies licensed by Maritime Affairs Sanaa to execute marine cable works,” the ministry said.

However, it added that ships ”executing submarine cable works” should” obtain the necessary permits and approvals”.

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